Online reports

If you suspect or believe serious misconduct has occurred in GN Group, we encourage you to report your concern. Do this directly to someone in GN Group, for instance your usual contact person or use the Speak Up! GN Alertline.

You will have the possibility to remain anonymous in case you do not want to submit your contact data when sending the report.


How to leave a report

Via web
Visit the Speakup website and follow the instructions on the page or scan the QR code below.

Via phone
You may phone toll-free using the telephone number for the country from where you are located – countries and numbers are found below. You will be guided as you proceed. Use the access code (110057) and leave an audio message with your report in your local language, which will be forwarded to us. At the end of the call, you will be provided with a case number to follow up the report progress. 

For legal reasons, you must use telephone number for the country from which you are reporting.

Country Phone number Comment
Australia +61 2 8284 6262 Call charged at local rate
Austria 0800909683 Toll free number
Brazil +55 (11) 4700 8838 Call charged at local rate
Canada  +1 (514) 395 0496 Call charged at local rate
China   1080 0152 3042 Toll-free number via Telecom China
China   108008522221 Toll-free number via United Network China
China 4001201842 Country wide number with no supplier restriction: Call charged at local rate
Czechia 0800050833
Toll-free number
Denmark +45 43 31 09 61 Call charged at local rate
Finland 800 392 912 
Toll-free number
France 080 554 3753 Toll-free number
Germany 08001818952
Toll-free number
Hong Kong +852 3019 4193
Call charged at local rate
Hungary 0680984589 Toll-free number
India 8000503159 Toll-free number
Italy 800147694 Toll-free number
Japan +81 3 6627 0734 Call charged at local rate
Korea  +82 2 3700 5146 Call charged at local rate
Malaysia +60 3 7724 3136 Call charged at local rate
Mexico +52 55 4780 6198 Call charged at local rate
Netherlands  +31 10 700 75 03 Call charged at local rate
New Zealand +64 9 913 5892 Call charged at local rate
Norway +47 24 14 06 01 Call charged at local rate
Poland 800012953 Toll-free number
1800-8232206 Call charged at local rate
900-973174 Call charged at local rate
020-798813 Toll-free number
0800-561422 Toll-free number
Taiwan +886 2 7743 8912  Call charged at local rate
United Arab Emirates
80004440408 Toll-free number
United Kingdom
8000224118 Toll-free number
USA +1 (669) 288 7154 Call charged at local rate
